Ingredients for Healthy Ageing

Ingredients for Healthy Ageing

With the advances in science and an abundance of knowledge, people are living longer than ever before. As a result, it is becoming increasingly important to maintain physical independence and mobility as we age.

The article "Maximum Mobility: Ingredients Aimed at Active Nutrition" in Natural Products Insider magazine addresses this issue and offers insights into how we can stay active and mobile in our later years.

According to a United Nations report, one-sixth of the population will be over 60 by 2030. With an increasing number of people living longer, preserving the quality of life is more critical than ever. Fortunately, we have science and innovative ingredients to support us.

Mitigating Muscle Loss

One of the significant challenges that ageing poses is muscle loss. Our muscle mass peaks at the age of 30 and naturally starts to decline, resulting in approximately 3-8% loss each decade. While nutrition and exercise can help combat muscle loss, it may not be enough at times.

As people age, their ability to synthesize protein decreases, while the rate of protein breakdown increases. When combined with Vitamin D3, beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate (HMB) has been found to minimize protein breakdown, even without exercise. If we can reduce the increased rate of protein breakdown, and increase protein synthesis, we can improve muscle mass as we age.

Read the full article here (page 15)

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